baby maybe someday
2003-01-30 Me feel better = good!

Okay, so I'm better today. I was just talking to Chris and he asked me why I'm better, because when I was talking to him yesterday I was a total psychotic mess. I don't know why I feel better today. I just do. Yesterday was my crying day and today is my getting over it day. Plus, the Coldplay concert probably did a lot to make me feel better about life in general. I mean, seriously. They were rawkin. Chris Martin really has an awesome stage presence, and bounced around a lot like a crazy singing man. If I had the choice, I'd still pick Axl's stage presence as the more fun one, because you know.. his Axl dance. It's all about the Axl dance.

Apparently when I said I wasn't going to talk to Matt anymore, he wasn't really thinking the same thing. Here I was, all ready to go weeks without talking to him, resolved to have enough self control to not talk to him, and he IMs me this morning to tell me about Dawson's Creek last night because apparently someone's favorite band was Guns N Roses. I appreciated the update, sure. I don't watch DC anymore because that was our thing. I didn't watch it before him and I'm not going to watch it after him. But it was just weird that I thought our correspondence was over and it's apparently not.

And when he had to leave to go to school, I said I appreciated something or other, and he said, "I appreciate you." So yeah. That's good times, I suppose. When we aren't talking about how much we miss each other and crap, we can actually have decent and civillized conversations.

And can I just say it's so weird that I'm not in school anymore? I really feel like I should be, like graduating was just some kind of dream I had once. But I did it, yo. I done graduated from kollege. Not with the greatest GPA of all time, but I did it.

I had a dream last night that I missed going to some history class. Like, I have that dream frequently, but usually I was actually in school at the time. I hate dreams like that.. where I totally forget to go to a class and then find out we have a test that I'm totally and completely unprepared for. Is this supposed to mean that I am unprepared for life and I have to go back to school to learn about it? I just don't know.

It's better than dreaming about urine, I guess. I read what the dream dictionaries have to say about urine, and it's all like "you love life sucks." Well, shit, I could have told you that, I don't need to dream about urine to know that.

Here's what an online dream dictionary had to say about my urinal dream:

"To see a urinal in your dream shows that conditions at home are not up to your usual standards and if you dream you are using it then you must search for enemies."


Can someone tell me why I use one roll of toilet paper a week? Is my ass really that big that I have to use so much? I'm only one person.. I mean.. geez louise.

Rock on, sisters and brothers. Me and Kyle the Personal Trainer have an hour long date today with the weights. That should be exciting. Yesterday we just kinda did the "let's see how much body fat Liz has," which is always a good thing to do to make you feel better about yourself. Um, NOT. But he said he was all about his clients and wanted to have personal relationships with them because yeah, it works better that way. He even gave me his cell phone number in case I find myself about to call Papa John's or something. This is it, you guys. If I don't lose weight now, I might never do it. He gave me this list of stuff I have to eat, and while it looks scary and unappetizing, I gotta do it or I'm never going to feel good about myself. So wish me luck with that.

By the way, I added Chris and Kyle to the cast list, so check that out if you'd like.


What was Liz doing a year ago?

"Last night, I had a dream about Stephen King. He had this tiny little baby, and he took me walking through the woods. He even had that limp he got from the truck running him over. It's nice to see that even in my dreams, I'm conscious of Stephen King's limp."


PS.. have any of you ever talked to your dogs on the phone? I come from a family who just loves to talk to the dogs on the phone. Last night I talked to Charlie and my dad said that his ears perked up. You gotta love communicating with an animal in a human way. I lurrve my puppies.

back & forth random

So be it! My last entry ever. - November 16, 2004
701 - October 17, 2004
Buh bye: An Austinliz thesis - October 03, 2004
war of the roses - October 01, 2004
fucking debate! - September 30, 2004