baby maybe someday
February 12, 2004 NEPOTISM RULES!

So you know what really sucks ass? When your laptop develops some strange problem on the outside where I can't connect the power thingie to it and therefore can't turn it on anymore and then I take it to Scott who's a computer genius and if you can fix it he'll fix it but he couldn't and called stupid fucking Compaq who can't just have a repair place, no, I have to send it to them in fucking California and wait for them to send it fucking back to me. That is what sucks. Although now that I actually have a job, it might not suck as bad because you know, the whole not having any free time thing.

Yeah, so, I have a job. I start on Monday at 8:30. At a property management place. You might be asking yourself, "So, Liz, how does one with a journalism background like yourself go and get a job at a property management place?"

And I'd reply, "Well, my dad happens to believe in nepotism and that works out well for me!"

Indeed. I asked my dad, and he provided. He rocks for that. I'm not actually working with him, but I am working for him. And it's the place where I worked for 2 summers, but got fired the last summer because I sucked and had an abusive boyfriend that believed every time I went to work, I was actually going to have sex with someone else. Because he was fun like that.

Anyway, there I am again. I start on Monday. It's good, and it's bad. It's not in my field, and it's in fucking Garland, which is not the prettiest city in these United States. It's also selling out to work for my dad, which is kinda bad and not really good, but thats okay. But, it means that since I am working with people who work for my dad, I get more leniency and more of a learning curve than I would for say.. people who weren't working for my dad. Basically, I won't get fired. I'm not getting paid a whole lot by society's standards, but to my standard of paying $330 a month in rent with all bills paid it's a shitload. So that's good.

And who knows, I might actually like property management. Maybe it'll be something I'm good at, maybe it'll be the job that I excel in. Whatever it is, it's good for me, and I'll take it. So let's say it together.. "NEPOTISM RULES!"

I am going to hate not having a computer. Like, right now, I'm at Kinko's. I'm actually paying to update my diary and use AOL to talk to Matt about absolutely nothing of importance. That's kinda dumb, right?

Ironically, a year ago yesterday I also got a new job. At Jason's Deli. Which is far less impressive.

back & forth random

So be it! My last entry ever. - November 16, 2004
701 - October 17, 2004
Buh bye: An Austinliz thesis - October 03, 2004
war of the roses - October 01, 2004
fucking debate! - September 30, 2004