baby maybe someday
October 01, 2003 Liz talks about random things

I already did an entry today. Go read it.

Several things:

1. Lord of the Rings
You are Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien! I'm
not going to tell you what this is about,
because I'm gonna kill you if u don't know...

What Book Are You? (pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

2. Okay, so who's the 30 year old in Michigan who decided to IM Matt for shits and giggles? I mean, seriously people. Do I go look up your boyfriends and randomly talk to them? That's just uncool.

On the brighter side, I'm having a really good conversation with Matt right now that he initiated and we're talking about his puppy and other fun stuff. I like fun stuff. I am smiling right now.

3. I have an interview for a data-entry job tomorrow. On one hand, doing data entry for 8 hours a day makes me nervous. Won't my hands fall off or something? On the other, that seems like an easy job, something to do everyday, something to get paid for, something I don't have to interact with the public to do. So, I'm excited about that.

4. "Official NaNoWriMo 2003 Participant">


I don't know what I'm going to write this year. I know I have to write the story I've been wanting to write for months now, but I don't know if that's a good subject for Nanowrimo. I'm going to have to think about that.

I'm worried that it won't come as easily this year. Last year with the whole chick rock band thing, it was fun and I got it finished in 17 days. But.. I don't know. My writing brain has been zapped here lately.

5. Seriously, which one of you decided it would be fun to talk to Matt? This bothers me for some reason. What if he didn't know this diary existed? Then how would you feel? HUH? HUH? Anyway.

6. That is about it. Tonight I'm going to volunteer and then work out and then go to sleep because these pills make me sleepy.

Rock on.

back & forth random

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