baby maybe someday
2003-05-10 Fun times, yeeyuh.

Why.. hello there.

Tonight I participated in a White Trash Party. I got my boots on, put my vixen nail polish on, put my leopard skirt on, and went apartying with my bro. When I got to his house, he gave me this T-Shirt that says "Ass Kickin Cock Rock." Ohhh yeah, I was feeling the white trash vibe.

It was fun.. people went all out, wearing fake mullets and wifebeaters and being pretend-pregnant in a prom dress.. it was good times. I had to leave at a really wussy-ish time because not only is my mommy coming tomorrow, but I am participating in Habitat for Humanity at 8 am. So yeah. I left pretty early. But I had a good time, met some new folks, made some new social skills.. rock on. I kinda felt like we were all stuck in a bad episode of Cops, though.

It is so fucking gross in Austin right now. I feel like I can't escape the humidity.. like, wherever I go, I'm going to sweat, and there's no possible way to escape.

I have now watched 13 episodes of Six Feet Under in 3 days. I love Nate. I love the theme music. Most of all, I love Nate and Brenda's relationship. I so want them to be together forever, and it pisses me off that Lisa got in there somewhere. How did she get in there, damnit! *sigh*

Ooh, guess who bought shorts today? For the first time since she was a fuckin teenager? Yeah, that's me. I was so happy when I bought these shorts today, you just don't understand. Sure, you can see all my freakish scars when I wear them (my knee surgery scar, the weird scar where they took tissue from my thigh for my eye surgery.. long story there), but I am proud of my legs and damnit, this is going to be the first summer in maybe 4 years that I'll feel comfortable wearing shorts. I feel good. I feel that after working out every day for 4 months, I deserve to wear shorts. So I am going to wear shorts, damnit.

It is so disgusting in here! GUHHH!!!

I was a lazy ass today. But I did work out and I did clean my apartment, AND I threw out a few of my porn tapes cuz you know.. I only watch the DVD's now, and the tapes are just being wasted! That, and you know.. porn is bad.

I am going to watch the last episode of Six Feet Under with director's commentary now. My life is way too much fun.

back & forth random

So be it! My last entry ever. - November 16, 2004
701 - October 17, 2004
Buh bye: An Austinliz thesis - October 03, 2004
war of the roses - October 01, 2004
fucking debate! - September 30, 2004