baby maybe someday
October 19, 2003 Good Boy!

Random Liz fact of the day: A few years ago I was probably more of a perv than I am now. I would go into lesbianish chat rooms on AOL and trade dirty pics (not of me, because that would just be scary) with other people. This got me in trouble on AOL a record number of 3 times. Each time, AOL would cancel my account and I'd have to get a new SN. I'm never sure how that happened.. it wasn't like I was trading bestiality pics or something! And everyone in that room were all there for the same purpose! But I'm proud to say that that hasn't happened in almost 5 years. So hah on AOL.

I just thought I'd share that bit of useless information.

Also, the car that has been parked in the same place in my apartment for the whole almost 10 months I've been here was towed last week. It screws up my sense of balance and peace with that which is the world in general. But I'll probably get over it.

And I think I decided pretty much to not get bangs. I'm going to get it colored a dark red and maybe get a funky-like cut, but no bangs. Me and bangs aren't ready for each other at this point in my life.

So, the job. I went to an orientation yesterday that consisted of going over the handbook and then going home to take a nap. It actually sounds like a pretty decent job.. I make $7.25 an hour, which is sad seeing that I made $11.00 an hour at my last job, but it's good because that's a whole lot more than I thought I'd be making. Plus, there's a tip jar and crappola, and the dude said that usually adds about a dollar an hour to the total. That's cool. I can rock that.

That's probably about $800 a month. That's really what all my bills total each month, so what it really comes down to is the fact that I'm really extremely snotty and snobby and lucky and blessed in the fact that my dad gave me a big chunk of money for my birthday, so really, in a couple of days, I won't be having money problems for at least 3 months.

That's a good thing.

And it's only for 3 months, it's not that big of a deal. I can meet some cool people, make some money, get some burrito experience, and then move on in the world. I'm still going to call Barnes and Noble tomorrow to beg for a job, but I digress.

So, yay for having a job, that's what I say.

Last night Joey and I went to see Good Boy. I know I'm a dork, but I really wanted to see this movie. Talking dogs = ratings, yes siree. It made me cry at the end. A lot. I almost sobbed. They were going to take all the doggies away! They can't do that! Plus, there was this really beautiful black Great Dane in it. She was purty. I like doggies.

I am so glad I saw it with Joey. When I saw Cats and Dogs with Matt, he totally fell asleep. He just didn't get it. But Joey got it. We both even cried at the same parts. Isn't that dorky? I thought it was awesome. That is why I love seeing movies with Joey. He is a movie fanatic, almost more than I am. I can't tell you how happy I am that I found someone like him to see movies with me. We don't do much else together, but really, aren't movies all you need in life?

Speaking of that, I'm going to see 2 or 3 movies today. I have to see the School of Rock and the Runaway Jury and perhaps Underworld and Intolerable Cruelty. I only have $25 for the next week or what not, but I budgeted this money for today. Movie day! Awww yeah. And please, let's not be silly - I'm going to be sneaking into most of these movies anyway.

This was boring. I'm going to work out now.


one year ago...

"Now, I'm very.. sad.. in the shoes he purchased today. Why? Because they have velcro, for the love of God! What kind of self respecting man buys shoes with VELCRO? This offended me greatly. I tried to dissuade him from buying them, but he really seemed to like them. Guhhh. Oh, the humanity!"

2 years ago...

"All I can say is, thank God for supportive, horny boyfriends who know HTML."

back & forth random

So be it! My last entry ever. - November 16, 2004
701 - October 17, 2004
Buh bye: An Austinliz thesis - October 03, 2004
war of the roses - October 01, 2004
fucking debate! - September 30, 2004