baby maybe someday
October 05, 2003 Liz's pictures - it's good times!

Due to the excitement of yesterdays yesterday (which was zero), I decided to do a whole page of random fun pictures. Aren't you excited? I sure am.

Some of you might have seen some of these before, but then again, some of you haven't! Yay.

The first picture is of me and Charlie, from about 3 years ago. He just had a horrendous haircut, so please forgive his resemblance to an alien:

Here's another picture from the party on Friday night. I'm not sure at what point this was taken, but it looks like I've had a few drinks by this point. As usual, my hair looks like shit. And yes, I'm wearing boots with shorts. It's time to bring that look back!

This is me and my brother, Christmas 2001. I was in my more *deleted for google purposes* stage of life at the time.

This is me and Matt (Matt and I?) in Tijuana in December 2000. This is when we were actually COMMITTED to each other, and it was a very good time in our relationship. He's lost a lot of weight, by the way.

This is me and my dad's girlfriend's son. This picture breaks my heart. It's a long story.

This is me, Joey, and Chris from Friday's party. Isn't Joey cute? And tall? Yay.

My fake aunt, me, my mom and dad at my graduation last December. My dad's girlfriend took the picture.

Here's my brother and his dog. I love Dylan the puppy man.. he's so affectionate and purty and he's my boy.

And here I am at like.. 2 years old or some such. I'm the short one. I look weird because I haven't had eye surgery yet. Fun!

I love this picture of Matt:

And to conclude our fun picture time, here's my baby Charlie:


What do you think?

back & forth random

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