baby maybe someday
2003-03-09 Feeling grouchy on Sunday morning

I think I'm going to skip church today. I hope that doesn't totally offend God or something, but I really want to just go work out or someting instead. The past 3 days have been giant pig out days and I feel like the Marshmellow Man from Ghostbusters.

That's pretty much all for right now. I feel like I have indigestion. And I miss Matt like a son bitch. So there really is no reason for this entry except talking about not going to church.

I suck.

Here's a cringe inducing picture of me in front of the White House. This is from 2 years ago and it's apparently me at my most appalingly disgustingness:


I'm going back to bed now. I feel quite grouchy for some reason. Bah.

back & forth random

So be it! My last entry ever. - November 16, 2004
701 - October 17, 2004
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