baby maybe someday
April 01, 2004 A survey for good times.

I just ate lunch, and now I'm bored, so here's a survey. I stole it from an old entry of her's, who, incidentally, I can't stop reading. Seriously! When I'm bored at work I just look at her older stuff because it is amusing and entertaining. So everyone go see what I'm talking about.

The survey:

First kiss: Eddie. In front of the one-way sign at my junior high school. He was 15, I was 13, and the rest is history.

First real kiss:Eddie was my first real kiss. I don't remember ever having weird elementary school kisses or anything. But you know I went shit crazy over that one kiss with Eddie. Woo! I remember him being a good kisser, although I had absolutely nothing to compare it to so I'm not sure why I was so adament about it.

First job: Ironically, exactly the same job I have right now - receptionist kind of person for my dad at his property management office during the summer. I was 16. I didn't even have a car yet and I was in summer school doing geometry and only worked half the day. I was not really into it back then, though. Like I am now! Muahaha. Anyway, I'm not sure what that says about me, but it's probably not good. At 24 years old I'm doing the same thing I did when I was 16. Cute.

First screen name: The first screen name that I can remember having was when I was on this thing called Yak that those little freaky things called US Videotel had. It was kind of like a pre-internet teen chatty thing. Anyway, my screen name was Lizzie11. Because I was 11. Ingenius of me, yes? People made me sad by calling me "Lezzie11" and I'd run to my brother yelling "They're calling me Lezzie!"

Anyway. As a sidenote, Matt actually had Yak at the same time I did. I don't remember talking to him, though. I just think that's kinda neat. We were DESTINED to meet, damnit!

First self purchased album: Hmm. I can't say GN'R's Use Your Illusion because I got that for Christmas. I actually think it might have been the soundtrack to Beaches. Because I'm just THAT cool.

First funeral: My grandmother's funeral, 10 years ago. I made everyone cry with a poem I wrote. Not bad for a 14 year old.

First pets: I grew up with Tawnee II, my family's second Great Dane. When she died when I was 8, we got Tawnee III and Bixby, our first golden retreiver. Bixby had the habit of "saving" us when we were in the pool because his weird retreiver instincts told him that we were always drowning. He'd grab our hand with his teeth and drag us back to the shallow end. It was cute at first, but sometimes I just wanted to swim!

Bixby rocked.

First piercing: Ears. The only piercing, by the way.

First true love: Besides Tom Hanks? (Seriously, I loved me some Tom Hanks.) I might seriously have to say that it was Nick Stahl. I mean, if we're talking stupid elementary love. I wanted him to be my man slave, but it was not to be. He couldn't like me any less if he tried. My first broken heart, I'd have to say.

First big trip:

Probably Colorado for skiing purposes. I have a tape of me skiing when I was like.. 7 or 8, and I'm REALLY good! I probably couldn't do it for shit as of now, but I was really into it back then.

First musician you remember hearing in your house: That would probably have to be Willie. Willie Nelson, a sacred Texas institution. You do not talk shit about Willie.

Last big car ride: Me and Matt's fun filled trip to Vegas. It really was good times, and I have no idea when I'll get the chance to go again.

Last kiss: Well, this morning, if you count puppy kisses. If not, last Friday there was some nookie to be had.

Last good cry: Dude, seriously, I have little mini-cries ALL THE TIME. Like, that commercial where the little girl gets an easter card from her grandmother made me tear up a little yesterday. The last bigger cry I had was when I saw Jersey Girl on Saturday. Whew! But the last sobbing crazy out of control cry I had was 3 weeks ago when I was a dork and misread something Matt wrote on his website. Which is why I don't look at Matt's website anymore.

Last movie seen: In the theater, it was Jersey Girl. On DVD, it was BabySitter Club. Although I tried to watch Confidence with the commentary on, but Ed Norton got on my last fucking nerve.

Last beverage drunk: Diet Coke, with my unbelivably bad for me lunch.

Last food consumed: Taco Cabana, you are so good, yet so very, VERY bad.

Last phone call: The phone hasn't rang around here too much today, which is odd. But I did just call my dad and ask his machine if he was going to the farm tomorrow. Because it's my roomate's last day before she leaves for NY for 3 weeks and I respect her right to get some from her ex-boyfriend before her journey.

Last TV show watched: Friends, obviously. Oh, fine. It was Everybody Loves Raymond. Roomate watches it all the time and I've finally let myself watch it without tearing my eyeballs out.

Last shoes worn: My burgandy Doc Martens. My mom really wants to take me shopping on Saturday to get more feminine shoes. I don't like feminine shoes! Give me Docs.

Last CD played: The GN'R Greatest Hits CD last night when I was working out. It's amazing how many more sit-ups I can do when I'm listening to the amazing voice of one Mr. W. Axl Rose.

Last item bought: Lunch. What I need to buy is a bone for roomate's dog so she doesn't eat everyone's shoes. (The dog, not the roomate)

Last disappointment: This is actually a hard question to answer! It's either:

a. Matt not being able to hang out tomorrow night, hence the farm, or

b. My roomate leaving on Saturday. I'm really quite sad about this, and I'm dreading having to be at home by myself all the time. That's where that whole "having friends" thing would be nice.

Last soda drunk: Diet Coke. Next week lent is over! And then I can have the sweet deliciousness that is Dr. Pepper.

Last ice cream eaten: The sex on a cone that is Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream from Baskin Robbins.

Last shirt worn: This shirt from Lane Bryant that looks like it's actually two shirts but is actually only one. That crafty Lane Bryant!

Don't you love how I can make a simple survey be so entirely long? Muahahaha.

Also, request a review so I have something to do at work.

back & forth random

So be it! My last entry ever. - November 16, 2004
701 - October 17, 2004
Buh bye: An Austinliz thesis - October 03, 2004
war of the roses - October 01, 2004
fucking debate! - September 30, 2004