baby maybe someday
2003-07-02 All I know is what the Terminator taught me.

Okay, so now that we have the long overdue anniversary entries out of the way, here is a real entry! Fun times!

1. I am not sick anymore. The doctor gave me some drugs, I took them, drank some orange juice, and I am wonderful. I have always been quite user friendly with drugs.. they do their job on me. Rock on.

2. I am just really looking forward to tomorrow night. I'm going to my small group and bonding with the girls, and then after that, around 9 pm, I'm driving straight to Matt's house, which should take around 3 hours. There we will do naughty things and watch TV all night. I am just so entirely looking forward to this, I can barely stand it. And this comment:

Matt: I can't wait for you to spend the night. That makes me happy.

made me happy for hours today. Seriously. Hours. I couldn't stop smiling. I'm a dork, I realize this. But it was so cute!

3. I saw Terminator 3 tonight.

First of all, I thought I was actually going to be unloserish and actually go with people instead of just by myself. I was going to go with Joey, my brother's ex, but he decided to go see 28 Days Later with my brother. Lordy! What is it with people and their ex boyfriends?! Don't they ever get over it?! Urm.. yeah.

And this dorkus decided that he was too cool to be seen at a blockbuster on opening night. So I went by myself, as usual.

Okay, so. Nick Stahl. And Claire Danes. Together. In this HUGE movie. It was so freaktasically strange for me, you just don't understand. Let me try to piece this together for you.


A. I was fascinated by Terminator 2. I don't know why. I watched it over and over and over again when I was 12 years old.

B. Nick Stahl. Some of us know the story, some of us don't. But to see him in this huge movie was just.. surreal. I know that's a word I've been using a lot lately, but dizamn! It was soooo weird! And it sucks because he's SOOO HOTTT! He was president of the Beta Club (a club for people who made good grades.. yes, I was actually in a club like that at some point in my life) in 6th grade! He made fun of me all the time! HE WAS THE FIRST BOY TO EVER BREAK MY HEART! And there he was! On the big screen! *sigh*

C. Claire Danes - she was awesome in this movie. I almost forgot that she was Angela Chase and will always be Angela chase. Sorry, Claire!

D. Claire Danes and Nick Stahl, together - this was the most surreal part of the movie. So we have Angela Chase, who I idolized and admired when I was 15 because I knew what she felt for Jordan Catalano. I felt for Nick what she felt for Jordan! And now she was with Nick! In the movie! Nick the Dick Stahl! Can you even begin to understand what I'm trying to say here? DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE WORDS THAT ARE COMING OUT OF MY MOUTH?!


Anyway, it was a cool movie. I laughed a lot.. it was actually quite funny. And Arnold Shwartwhatever was really awesome in it.. he was just kinda in the background but did a really good job.

So. I liked it. Okay then.

4. I need to figure out how to leave work at work. Like, the second I walk out the door, I forget about the place. I can't do that. I dream about it every night.. more like have nightmares about it.

It's just so frustrating.. we have to take new calls all the time while still working on all the old ones, so meanwhile we get this buildup of old ones, and if we spend too much time on the old ones then we get yelled at because we're not spending enough time on the new ones, so the old ones get pissed off and call us back and then we get in trouble for neglecting them!

And okay, I sound like I'm 12 on the phone, but I'm trying to assert myself and show some confidence, right? So it hurt when some annoying guy asked to speak to my supervisor, and then while I listened, told her that "that little girl tried to help, but she was a little green around the gills." Oh really? Thanks, you grumpy old bastard. And what sucked was that my supervisor told the guy the exact same thing that I did!

*takes a breath*

I don't get paid enough to be worrying about this past 4:45 PM. Seriously. I don't.

But the very next call was a guy who said that I was very well trained and that he would really like to yell at me but I was too nice so he couldn't.

I don't know. I just don't know. I haven't been fired yet, so I guess that's good.

5. I got a new FHM today! Mmm, men's magazines.

6. I think I'm gonna go get in bed and read now. Mmmkay?

I am so excited about seeing Matt tommorow. I don't know how I will get through work tomorrow. AHHHHHHHH!

Okay then.

Addendum: Oops, I forgot stuff!

7. Today, for the first time ever, I paid my rent with my own money. Completely, 100 percent my own money. It was a nice feeling.

8. Today is my 6 month anniversary of being in Austin. That's actually a little more important than being stuck at #8, but what can you do.

A few months ago I was pretty sure that I was going to be leaving here in less than a month. I thought that in July, I'd be getting my shit together and getting ready to go. And I'm not. And that feels good.

But man.. 6 months.. that's a long time, and it's such a short time. It doesn't really feel like that much time has gone by, but it feels like January 2nd was just a million miles away. I know that makes sense and it doesn't, but you know. I'm just weird like that.

So much has happened in 6 months. But we already know that, as I have documented it in simple list form.

Anyway.. yay 6 months!

9. Be sure to check out what Liz was doing 2 years ago (see below). It's filled with ironic goodness.


What was Liz doing a year ago?

"And now BB and I are having a fight. Well, screw him. I'm tired of being told I'm not fucking good enough, you know? It's so tiring to be with a person who always tells you how beautiful and strong and intelligent you are, yet doesn't want to take me to parties and shit because he wants his own stupid seperate fucking life and all this other bullshit. Anyway."

What was Liz doing 2 years ago?

"His web page really made me mad on Thursday. And he yelled at me for telling him it hurt me. Well, it did! She stabbed him in the back because she didn't want to go out with him? Guess who's back he'd be stabbing in return if she did in fact go out with him? My lord. The thing that pissed me off the most is not knowing what every other person in the world knew. Of course, I did know, kinda. I knew when he said he found a beautiful girl to be his friend, he'd fall for her. I knew when he told me she broke up with her boyfriend of 8 years, there'd be trouble. I trust him and all that shit, but come on. This kind of relationship is hard to trust."

back & forth random

So be it! My last entry ever. - November 16, 2004
701 - October 17, 2004
Buh bye: An Austinliz thesis - October 03, 2004
war of the roses - October 01, 2004
fucking debate! - September 30, 2004