baby maybe someday
March 04, 2004 Everything zen, everything zen, I don't think so.

There is a HUGE thunderstorm going on right now. It does a little something for me. I kinda wish I could go shack up with Matt and have wild monkey thunderstorm nookie. But, hark, one can't work and play at the same time. Unless you're a prostitute. And even then, you gotta really LOVE your job. Or something.

Anyway. I LOVE this layout. I know it's all busy and strange and stuff, but I love it. I love this song, especially. Not so much anymore, but this song used to strike a chord in me. And just the other day Matt said that every time he hears it, he thinks about me. So there ya go.

I have a variety of topics to discuss today. Here's a few things I will explore:

1. Diet

2. Meandering

3. Roomate

4. Work

So let's explore, shall we?

1. Diet. Yesterday I kinda got fed up with myself because of the massive calories involved with my lunch. What did I have? I had 2 sour cream chicken enchiladas, some chips and queso, a couple of tortillas, and a side of guacamole. Terrible, I know.

So as I was eating this, I was like.. what is the deal? Why do I feel compelled to eat this crap? So, I didn't eat dinner. And I'm trying to be really good today. And I'm taking my Trim Spa like a good little girl.

Why am I taking diet pills? Have you SEEN Anna Nicole Smith? I was inspired. She looks AWESOME. Anyway, the pills were certainly working yesterday. I wasn't hungry at all, damnit. So I will continue to pop the pills like an addict and I will lose weight any everyone will love me.

Thank you.

2. Meandering.

This isn't so interesting, but I just thought I'd share.

Whenever I have the task of going somewhere, it is rare that I actually go straight to this place and then back. I always take side roads or look for a Taco Bell or try to escape traffic or see a Barnes and Noble and have to go in. I'm not sure if this frustrates people or not.. nobody has yet complained, so I guess the general consensus is that people don't give a shit.

For example, today I was given the task to deliver the mail to my dad's office and then go to the bank to make the deposits. I did that. But I also went to an ATM. I went to Taco Bell. (The MexiMelt is only 250 calories!) I went on side roads to avoid the highway traffic. I went to Subway. It should have taken me about 30 minutes to complete this task, but instead it took an hour. And nobody complained back here at the office. Maybe it's because they didn't notice. Or maybe it's because they're still in the "She's the boss' daughter so we better not give her shit!" phase of me working here. Which works for me!

Anyway. I just thought I'd share.

3. Roomate.

My mom told me a few weeks ago that I was lucky to have a roomate that I actually get along with. And I guess I took it for granted up until then, but she's right.

I really like and enjoy my roomate's company. We can sit there and watch TV for hours and chit chat and stuff like this, and it's all good. In the month and half that I've lived there, there hasn't been any problems, none at all. At first I found it kinda hard to deal with the dog sometimes because she's a little crazy, but we've gotten to know each other and it's all good at this point.

I even asked her last night if she's going to want to extend the lease past May, and she said she did want to. So this might last until November.

And we're getting HBO and Showtime today! And yes, that is a reason why I want to stay when the lease ends in May. So I can watch Six Feet Under in the privacy of my own home!

I just like her. We get along. We have an understanding. It's good times.

4. Work.

I like work, I do. I like the people I work with. I like the freedom I'm given. I like the proximity to my house. I like that I work for my dad. I like all that, but I do not like the empty hours where I have nothing to do but answer the phone. Today was not like that.. I was actually busy almost the whole day. But yesterday was bbaaadd.

And I feel guilty about the empty hours because I know that instead of playing Blackjack and Turbo 21 at, I obviously should be working on the novel that's going to make me rich. But I'm not. I tried yesterday and it sucked really bad. I obviously have to come up with a new idea. I actually have a pretty decent idea, but it would involve writing from a perspective I've never really explored before. Which could be good, of course. Or not.

I just really need to suck it up and start writing. These empty hours could really be productive if I used them wisely. Buh!

5. Odds and ends:

Last night I bought the greatest DVD ever: the Annie Special Edition DVD! I'm so excited to sit down and watch this. It has a conversation with Eileen Quinn on it, who hasn't done anything since being in the movie as Annie. Yay!

That little (well, huge) Gordo obsession I had last week is officially gone. Until next year when I go to Ticketstock again.

And last night I went to see my puppy boy and I swear he has gained about 10 pounds since Saturday. Soon I'm not going to be able to pick him up anymore! And that makes me sad.

Okay, that is all. I'm going to go play Blackjack now.

There's no sex in violence!

back & forth random

So be it! My last entry ever. - November 16, 2004
701 - October 17, 2004
Buh bye: An Austinliz thesis - October 03, 2004
war of the roses - October 01, 2004
fucking debate! - September 30, 2004