baby maybe someday
2003-05-23 Short term memory problems and unnatural waking times

Seriously, waking up at 11 am is just not right. I don't know how Matt does it. I understand why he does it.. so he has less hours during the day to figure out things to do with himself. But waking up this late is creepy. Creepy, I say.

So last night, I was returning Sex and the City to Blockbuster at midnight after doing my laundry at my brother's house. I stayed a little late at his house because Insomniac was on, and I like that show! But anyway, I was going down 35 and suddenly I ran over something huge and scary, and then my tire is flat. And flat tires SUCK! So I pulled into a closed gas station and called my brother. He was busy doing gay clubbing like activities. So I called roadside assistance. An hour and a half later, I was on my way with my spare tire and everyone was happy.

I don't know. It almost seemed like it was a normal part of my day. Like, I wait for people to come fix my flat tires at 1 AM all the time. It wasn't surreal, it wasn't weird, and it wasn't even a pain in the ass. It was NORMAL. I am such a freak.

But you know what? Some things about Matt are really starting to bother me. Little things. Last night I called him while I was waiting for the dude to show up, so he could entertain me while I waited. No big deal, I just wanted to say hi. He didn't answer, and he didn't even call me back after I left a message. And that's bad because during the message some dude was trying to talk to me and I was all "Uhh, some strange guy is trying to talk to me," and you'd think this would concern him somewhat or something, but he never called me back. That really bothers me.

Another thing that bothers me is that he's still trying to get into my head, and he's still flirting with me when I'm sure he knows that I'm not the type of girl who can flirt with an ex without it meaning anything. Why does he do that? It's creepy. It makes me think that he really doesn't have any regard for my feelings, and that's a big deal. A very big deal. Asshole.

*sigh* I hate this. I want to be over that feeling.. the longing feeling. The feeling that we just HAVE to get back together or I'm not going to be happy. That's crap, and I know it is, but still.. there it is, and I don't know how to get rid of it.

Well, I'm determined that I can get rid of it with another guy. I seriously want a boyfriend, right now. I want someone who will cook me dinner after work. Someone who will take me to cool places on some nights, and others will stay home and watch Pulp Fiction and play Monopoly with me, and after that, have wild and passionate crazy sex. Is that too much to ask?


Urm, anyway.

Here are my plans today, just so you're informed: Work out, go grocery shopping, perhaps lie out in the sun for an hour or two, take a shower, go see a movie, maybe go see 2 movies (I want to see Bruce Almighty and the In Laws), come home, watch Castaway with Director's Commentary and make cookies, go to sleep, wake up, go to the farm! Yay. What fun I will have.

I need a boyfriend.

Also, Natalie is making me totally jealous by working at Sky Ranch. I went there for 8 years in a row, and now she's a counselor! I am so jealous, and I really wish I can go visit her this summer. I am like.. incredibly happy for her. Anyway. BUt I do suppose it's sad that I only knew she was doing that because of her voice mail message. But thats okay.

I'm hungry.

Also, my short term memory is for shit. Last night when I was leaving a message for Matt, that person was all trying to talk to me and I lost my train of thought, and now I have no idea what I said. I know I didn't, well, I think I know that I didn't, but I might have said "Love you" or something like that. Maybe that's why he didn't call me back.


back & forth random

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