baby maybe someday
December 07, 2003 Porn? I've got it. Also, other stuff.

I know all you people who came here via porn banner are dissapointed that there is, in fact, no porn. So here, just for you, are some links that will take you to the porn-like entries. Not actual porn, thank you very much. But entries where I talk about porn and all that entails. Because, you see, I am a perv. Parental Guidance is suggested.

This one, this one, this one, this one, this one, this one, and this one.

Wow, for someone who hasn't had sex in more than 6 years, that's alot of porn talk.

Anyway. I would just like to mention that it's ass cold right now.

Also, today I am going to give two weeks notice at work. Not like they're really going to give a shit, but I thought I could at least part on good terms with them. I haven't really pissed anyone off there, and I think they like me. I just think they think that I'm kinda slow with some stuff and that means they have to phase me out or something. It sucks, because I would have kinda liked to have some money for the holiday season and everything. But hey, money for the holiday season is overrated.

I think my boobs are getting bigger. It's really weird, people! I know they probably got a little bigger when I gained weight, but this is like an unusual amount of bigness. I hate going over bumps in the road in my car because my boobs scream in pain. I am not pregnant (see reason above) and I'm not having my period. So this is weird. Weird boobs!

Yesterday I took my brother's doggie Dylan to the doggie park. That is definitely something I'm going to miss about Austin. I think Dallas has only one dog park and I don't think they're very serious about it. Here, you take your dog and you interact with all the other people who have dogs. Everyone is fascinated by each other's dogs. For instance, people are very easily entertained by Dylan. He likes to fetch tennis balls after they've been thrown into the lake. He likes swimming. And the question on everybody's mind is: how many balls can Dylan get in his mouth? The answer: two.

Yes, I know. But he's a dog. So let's try to keep our mind out of the gutter.

There was a baby dalmation at the park yesterday. So cute! I love puppies.

And porn.

I finished all my West Wing DVD's and now I'm really sad because there's no more to watch. I watched 22 45 minute episodes, plus 4 commentaries, in 5 days. As a result, last night I dreamt that I told Emilio Estevez that I once tried to have a crush on his dad but it didn't work out. I don't think Emilio really wanted to know that. And I didn't even bother telling him that I once had a massive crush on both him and his brother Charlie. What's up with that?

Claire was also in this dream, telling me that some committee needed me to talk about rights for white people or something. That was strange. Because, you know, white people don't have rights or anything.

So, I think that's a full lid. Later, after I quit my job, I'm going to a Christmas Party where fun will be had. Then I will probably come home and wack it. Yay!

back & forth random

So be it! My last entry ever. - November 16, 2004
701 - October 17, 2004
Buh bye: An Austinliz thesis - October 03, 2004
war of the roses - October 01, 2004
fucking debate! - September 30, 2004