baby maybe someday
February 27, 2004 Censorship! Hey.

You know, I realize that we have a need for censorship in this world, but this Howard Stern thing is making me cranky. ClearChannel is an organization of such pussyish bastard corporate ass monkeys. Seriously! Like that whole 9-11 thing where they banned like 100 songs because they talked about planes or falling or what have you. They're so afraid of offending people that they don't care what people want anymore, they just care about what people don't want.

Like I said, I recognize the fact that we need censorship. The whole boob incident at the Super Bowl, while I didn't really feel passionate enough to complain to any about it, I was honestly a little appalled and maybe a bit offended at the whole thing. Me, porn woman, was offended by the boob. I just wouldn't want to be watching that with my kids and have them see something like that when I'm trying to keep them sanitized from that kind of thing. But at the same time, I also realize that in this day and age, they're going to see these things anyway, whether it be in movies or videos or video games or hell, even in person. I've seen Boston Public. These people get crazy with their privates at younger and younger ages these days.

But with the whole radio situation.. I've been listening to Howard Stern for at least 11 years by now. I know people don't like him. I know he's offensive and very sexual in nature and I know that's a big turn off to a lot of society. But, I think the big question is, why are these people concerning themselves with this issue? They don't HAVE to listen. Radio is different than other mediums. You don't have the visual. Words, people. They're just words. They don't have to stop on that station and listen. They can go listen to Delilah and love someone tonight.

There's a time and a place. The Super Bowl? Not the time or the place for boobs. Drive time in the morning when kids aren't likely listening to the radio unless they have their own car, in which case they're probably old enough to make their own decisions regarding Howard Stern.. that's not a bad time or place. You have to take things on a case by case basis. You can't just govern things according to a legion of pissed off people.

That's why I really don't like Clear Channel. That's why I think they're a bunch of bastards. Like I said before, they're too concerned with what people don't want to be concerned about what we do want. I want a choice. When watching the Super Bowl, I didn't have a choice in the matter. We watch the Super Bowl with our families because we expect to see football and other family-like things, we don't expect to see boobs. But when I listen to Howard Stern I expect to hear about boobs and anal sex and other horrible, terrible things because that's what it has always been, and hopefully that's what it will always be.

Censorship is needed, but it's not as easy as ClearChannel is making it out to be. You don't have to listen to Howard Stern. If you don't want your children to listen to Howard or see nudity anywhere, you'll have to figure out how to wipe that kind of thing off the planet because it exists everywhere. I concede that if censorship was more strict, maybe those things wouldn't be around. But also? If the kid really wanted it, they would find it, because that's just the kind of world we live in. It's just there.

Don't even get me started on Tipper Gore and the PMRC that was so the rage in the early 90's when I was trying to buy me some Guns N' Roses with the Explicit Lyrics label on it. I could write a whole other entry about that. And maybe I will!

So I don't really know why I felt compelled to write this, but I listened to Howard for a while this morning and it made me passionate towards a subject that I've always felt strongly about. I've always had a love for the edgier things in life, and it always pissed me off when people took censorship too far. In 8th grade I wrote an impassioned paper on Howard Stern's situation. Howard rules, damnit.

So yeah. Rock on.

Also, Friends? I can see where the show is going with the last episodes. Monica and Chandler have thier house, Phoebe and Mike have their own thing going, so that leaves Rachel, Ross and Joey. Well, Joey is obviously getting his own spin off, and I think that means that Rachel is going to take that job in Paris and at the last minute Ross is going to go with her. I don't think the writers are creative enough to not let that happen. I thought it was genius that the infamous Mark came back for this episode. It was good, but just a bit predictable.

Anyway. Rock on with your bad selves.

back & forth random

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701 - October 17, 2004
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