baby maybe someday
April 03, 2004 Donald Trump rocks your ass.

Man, do I love SNL. I went through a period of hating it but now I'm back. And damnit, Donald Trump rules no matter what you losers say. His hair rocks!

I heart the Apprentice.

But seriously, who the hell is Toots and the Maytal?


I feel it coming, and I'm not looking forward to it. I feel the inevitable annual spring depression coming on, and I don't know if there's really anything I can do to keep it at bay.

But now with Daylight Savings and having even MORE sun everyday, with my roomate being gone for 3 weeks to NYC for her job, with my weird eating issues, with my pointless job, with this dead end relationship with Matt.. I feel it. Most of these things I can work on fixing. I know this week and like maybe.. the rest of my life, I think maybe the way to stave this crap off is by doing things I know will make me feel good... working out, eating healthier, maybe working on my novel a little, doing the stuff I know I need to do at work.. who knows, it might actually work!

But hey, good times.

Without getting too long-winded with the depression crap, I just wonder what it's going to take to get me over this hump. Like, what's the secret that I'm missing out on here? What's the magical answer to all my problems? It seems like its just one little thing that I seem to be overlooking.

Bah. Someday I'll figure it out.

I already miss my roomate and she just left today. On Thursday, her cousins came over and we got a little drunk on homemade margaritas, ordered some pizza, played the Friends trivia game (which she TOTALLY kicked my ass on), and watched the Apprentice. It was a really good time. It almost made me feel like I had a social life there for a second.

I lived by myself for almost 2 years, but in the 2.5 months I've lived here, I really enjoy the companionship of having someone around all the time. I come home from work, we watch Friends, and it's good times. I can dig it.

We have reached the point in our friendship where she calls me a whore like every 5 minutes. Also, when she burps, she ALWAYS says, "Ooh, that was a good one." Such a charmer.

I was really worried about what I was going to do today, but I ended up seeing the Ladykillers with my mommy. That was really not my kind of movie, and I say that with total love and respect for one Mr. Tom Hanks. But yuck. And then later I saw Walking Tall, which of course sucked total ass. But guess who's hot?

Awwww yeah.

And my mom bought me some shoes, too! Yay shoes. And we got to hang out with her horse a little, too. I am apparently allergic to horses, by the way. But they sure are purty!

Yeek! Toots and the Maytals are not fun! If this were 10 years ago, I'd totally turn it back to Headbangers Ball! I love you, Riki Rachtman!

I'm out. Turn your clocks forward!

back & forth random

So be it! My last entry ever. - November 16, 2004
701 - October 17, 2004
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