baby maybe someday
June 17, 2004 More Velvet Revolver Excitement

OMG! I know I've said this like 20 times already, but I'm SOOOO EXCITED to see Velvet Revolver on Saturday!

I want to get there like 3 hours early so I can be first in line, but what the hell am I going to do for 3 hours by myself? I am worried about the logistics of this concert preparation stage.

The venue is this old theater and I read that unless you're close to the stage, it's really hard to see anything. And with my vision, that is surely going to be a problem. So I want to get there early so I can be in the front so Slash can sweat on me.

I love Slash. Have I ever mentioned that? Not as much as Axl, but man alive, I love Slash. He is one awesome guitar player. That solo on November Rain? That's good stuff. The opening riff of Sweet Child of Mine? Legendary. He's kinda cute, in a weird Top-Hat, hair in the face, snake-loving kind of way.

But do I bring my purse with me if I'm going to get up there in the front? Do I bring a book to read so as not to die of boredom? Would that seem incredibly pathetic that not only am I alone, but I'm reading before a concert?! I don't know these Going to A Concert By Myself rules!

Anyway, that is all. I am really excited about this. I bought their new CD (which debuted at #1, by the way!) and while I'm not all that impressed with it, I'm still excited that there's a pure rock & roll band out there that people actually want to listen to. So, rock on with your bad selves.

Work is going to be looonnnggg today. The phone hasn't rang at all in the past 2 hours. Fun times for me, let me tell ya.


a year ago

"I know all this. And you know what my answer is? I love him. I've always been a romantic, too much so, and that's my only answer. I love him. And I want to see what happens between us. I want to beat a dead horse, teach an old dog new tricks, because if I don't, I just won't be happy. Maybe it won't work out. Maybe I'm too young to realize that people just seriously don't change. But I'm not jaded enough to think that yet. And you know what, if it doesn't work out, at least I'll know it's over for good. At least I know I gave it my best shot, 100%, and at least I'll be able to move on for good.

Call me crazy, call me dumb, but that's just how I feel. I love him. I believe in him. I believe in us. I believe in love. That is how I am. That was how I was raised. And until I am proven wrong, this is what I'm going to be."

back & forth random

So be it! My last entry ever. - November 16, 2004
701 - October 17, 2004
Buh bye: An Austinliz thesis - October 03, 2004
war of the roses - October 01, 2004
fucking debate! - September 30, 2004