baby maybe someday
2003-04-12 First steps are the most important ones.

For this moment, I am feeling good about life in general, and I just wanted to record the moment for posterity.

First of all, I'm watching the I love the 80's marathon, even though I've seen like.. all these shows about 3 times already.

And I also did Habitat for Humanity today. I got there too late to do anything productive with the house they're building, but some chick took me under her wing and I helped her do some stuff with like.. stuff. There was lots of lifting rakes and such.

This was the most hardcore chick ever. She does Habitat like 4 days a week and she's one tough beyotch. She was also the best reverser I've ever known. That girl could reverse! I love this.. I love meeting new people and learning about them and watching them in action. Why didn't I do this in college? Why did I think hanging out with my boyfriend 24/7 was a healthy activity?

Anyway. Tomorrow I'm going to be sore, and I will probably have some kind of hideous sunburn. But that's awesome.

I just feel like this is HUGE. Like I did on Thursday night when I went to that club. This is big time, people. I'm learning how to have a social life. Of course, it's all from church right now, but where else would I find people? I don't go to school, I don't go to work.. church is totally saving me right now. And I do appreciate that.

I almost feel like I'm in Groundhog Day. Bill Murray couldn't move on until he did all the stuff that he knew he had to do before, but he didn't. And I feel like I'm being productive, making friends, working hard to find a job. Even not talking to Matt for 4 days is pretty impressive, I think.

I was just sitting here watching the 80's Marathon and I wasn't depressed, I wasn't sad, I was just contemplative and somewhat happy that I almost get it. I know I have a LONG way to go, but these first steps are so awesome and so important and yay.

I want to tell Matt about it, but I know that's a big part of it... doing it and NOT telling him all about it. That's so hard, but I think I'll be able to do it. It's all good. Kinda.

That's all. I'm going to sit here and watch the 80's marathon and then go see Laurel Canyon! Woot.

back & forth random

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