baby maybe someday
2003-02-21 The longest entry ever! Muahahha.

Hello, humans. I have quite a bit to report today. It's been a busy day.

First of all, I went to another temp agency and they told me about a job at the governor's office. Because, as you know, Austin is the capital of Texas, so therefore the governor lives here and shiznit. They said they'd fax my resume over to the office and that I should call them back on Monday to see how it goes.

Well, I get a call while I'm in line for popcorn before I see Daredevil. I didn't answer it because damnit, I'm gonna go watch Ben Affleck! Later I check my voice mail and it's the temp agency saying that the governor's office wants to interview me on Monday morning.

Hello. I would like that job very much. $8.25 an hour in the governor's office being an administrative assistant? Bring it on, biznatch. So that's going to be fun to obsess over this weekend. Lane Bryant is going to get a visit from me tomorrow. Oohh yes, the fat girl's store.


Now I would like to talk about Daredevil. I liked it. I liked Ben Affleck lots, to tell you the truth. I'm tired of denying my crush.. I have it bad for the man, okay? I just do. I don't care that everyone in the world seems to think my brother looks like him, because he's hot, and damnit, I want him. Ben Affleck, not my brother. Shut up.

Also, Jennifer Garner.. wooweee. She is so beautiful. I would like.. maim someone for a body like that. She is hot. Hot, I say.

I really liked the soundtrack. I liked it so much that immediately after the movie, I went to Barnes and Noble and bought the damn thing. There's a song on it that when I heard it in the movie, I actually cried. I know it's probably because of my present hormonal situation, but guhhhh.. it ripped my testicles off.

Here it is.. My Immortal, by Evanescence.

I'm so tired of being here
Suppressed by all my childish fears
And if you have to leave
I wish that you would just leave
'Cause your presence still lingers here
And it won't leave me alone

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me

You used to captivate me
By your resonating life
Now I'm bound by the life you left behind
Your face it haunts
My once pleasant dreams
Your voice it chased away
All the sanity in me

These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase


I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone
But though you're still with me
I've been alone all along


Okay, that's totally about a dead person, but I still feel it, damnit.


Now I'm going to be a survey bitch. Because I have nothing else to do.

I stole this from her.

Five Songs you know by memory

1. November Rain - GNR
2. In Another's Eyes - Trisha Yearwood and Garth Brooks
3. 18 And Life - Skid Row
4. Here I go Again - Whitesnake
5. I'm With You - Avril Lavigne. Wow, that's a really pathetic list. But what can ya do.

Five Things you can't live without:

1. Water
2. pizza
3. My Docs. I love them things.
4. Blockbuster. It's true.
5. Books.

Five things you would buy with $1000:

1. Work clothes
2. A puppy
3. Some nice jewelry
4. World Peace
5. Stuff

Top Five Locations I want to run away to:

1. New Orleans
2. Las Vegas
3. Dallas
4. Austrailia
5. Vancouver

Name five bad habits you have:

1. Biting my nails.. it's gotten bad lately.
2. feeling sorry for myself
3. When I'm online, obsessively taking Matt on and off my buddy list, just to see if he's idle. I don't know why I don't just keep him on there, but like.. it's a mind game.
4. One word: procrastination

5. Being a little too hormonal. This isn't exactly my fault, it's my body, but I can at least recognize this fact and try to control myself.

Name 5 people currently on your bad side:

1. My dad. Someday he'll be proud of me.
2. Everyone at Jason's Deli. I just don't like them.
3. Matthew, for many many different reasons.
4.Your mom
5. Your granny.

Name 5 Random facts about yourself:

1. I hate soap.
2. I can't go more than 3 weeks without watching Bridget Jones' Diary. It's a sickness.
3. I really want some pizza right now but I'm too lazy to get out in the rain and go to the store and get it.
4. I'm allergic to cats.
5. I want Justin Timberlake.

Name 4 Random facts about your family:

1. My dad is really pissed off that I quit my job at the deli, but hah, I have an interview at the friggin governor's office, beyotch.
2. My brother is as gay as Christmas. He just dumped his boyfriend of a few months, and that makes me sad because I actually grew an appreciation for the boy. I like my brother's taste in men. He doesn't like mine.
>3. My mom is the greatest person on the planet. Just try to disagree with me.
4. My step dad just published a book on metaphors. I'll read it, someday.

Name 4 Websites you recommend:

1. Free porn!
2. I'll always be a Busty girl at heart.
3. Internet Movie Database - for all your movie needs
4. Up to the minute Guns N Roses info. I know you can't wait.

What are you doing this weekend:

1. friday: Tonight I'm going to figure out how to set up my speakers, I'm going to watch Mallrats, I'm going to go to sleep soon and yeah. Fun times.
2. saturday: Going to work out, going to Lane Bryant, cleaning my apartment and my car.
3. sunday: Going to church, continuing the clean up process, obsess over job interview on Monday.

Ever fallen for your best guy friend? No.. I don't have best guy friends that didn't start out as something else first.

Made out with JUST a guy friend? Nope.

Been in love? Yes. Love defines me.

Been in lust? Yes. Lust. Fun.

Done something you regret? Heh... everyday.

Last person you touched? Bah.

You talked to? The chick at Blockbuster who gave me my movies. Bridget Jones Diary, Mallrats, and Forces of Nature. (Gotta get my Ben Affleck fix.)

You hugged? Bah.

You instant messaged? Matt, when I woke up at 2 am last night and saw that he IMed me.

You yelled at? I haven't really yelled at anyone for a while. Probably my dad or some such.

You had a crush on? I had a teeny crush on a dude at the Deli until I found out he was married. Doh. His name was Richie. Isn't that cute?

Do you color your hair? No, the people at the salon do. Muahahaha.

Have tattoos? Not at this point. When I get to be around 150 pounds, I'm going to get one. It'll be my present to myself.

Piercings? My ears are pierced, but that's about the extent of my hardcoreness.

Have a boyfriend? Yeah, tons of them.

Floss daily? Nope.

Own a webcam? No, I'm not cool enough.

Habla espanol? pequeno.

Considered a life of crime? When I was 13, me and my friend April frequently terrorized the Galleria with our shoplifting sprees. That is, until I got caught. Before I got caught, I never even thought about it, I just did it. Now I feel like everyone is staring at me when I go in a store, and that was 10 years ago.

Are you psycho? I have had my moments of sheer psychoness, yes.

Schizophrenic? What? Who said that?

Obsessive? Huh, yeah. Hello.

Obsessive compulsive? At times. A lot of the time I'm obsessive about locking things, but that just comes from growing up in Dallas.

Anxiety? Oh yeah. I'm anxious about this governor job thing.. what if they figure out that I really have no skills? I totally lied on my resume.. I said I worked as an administrative assistant for Donna for 2 years, but yeah, I didn't. But that's okay. You can fake these things, right?

If you could be anywhere, where would you be? In a hotel somewhere on a king sized bed with Matt. It's true, I'm sorry. That's what I'm feeling.

What are you listening to? The Daredevil soundtrack. It's nifty! It's all hard rock-ish and I can totally dig it.

Current Clothes: a button down shirt that I bought at old Navy and Jeans. I'm old skool, yo.

Current Hair: Highlights, brown, shorter than its been in a while. It's purty.

Current Desktop Picture: The GNR logo. I'm too lazy to put something else up there.


back & forth random

So be it! My last entry ever. - November 16, 2004
701 - October 17, 2004
Buh bye: An Austinliz thesis - October 03, 2004
war of the roses - October 01, 2004
fucking debate! - September 30, 2004