baby maybe someday
February 22, 2004 More obsessing! Does it ever end?!

So, Mr. Big's name is John. He's selling the Napa Valley house and is coming home to NYC for Carrie.

*contented sigh*

I love Sex and the City. It's over now. I cried a little, I must admit. Samantha and the outrageously hot guy are in love, Charlotte's getting her baby, Miranda has to put up with Steve's aging mom. Greatness.

I've officially been in *Dallas* for a month now. I just thought that was important to note.

Anyway, I had a really good day today. I don't know why, it just started out really good and kept on trucking. I woke up at 8:30 and made breakfast for myself, which is a weird sentence altogether. I made scrambled eggs and toast! Then I went to church. I finally found me a church that I like, and that is a good thing. Church is really the only way I feel like I can make friends these days, with no school and working in an environment of older people. I mean, obviously I'm there for the whole worshipping God thing too, but making friends is a big thing. I need some. I built an impressive array back in Austin, so I need to get cracking. But.. don't tell God.. I left church about 30 minutes early because I wanted to get to the last day of Ticketstock when it opened. Am I going to hell? Maybe.

But! I'm glad I did get there, because Gordo and I.. we shared a moment. We did! I swear. He recognized me from the previous day of daughter hugging and thus from the email I sent, and I actually got a wave, a big smile, and a "Hi!" out of him. I almost shit my pants. I seriously actually almost cried because I was so happy!

Just humor me. Like my most of my past obsessions (Russell Crowe, Axl, Six Feet Under, West Wing, My So Called Life), I'm sure it will end soon. It always does. And like I said, it happens every single year at this time, and I can't help it, and it will go away and I'll get to keep my story of how Gordo and I shared a moment.

I know this is completely retarded. I know there is no way he is ever going to be in my life the way I want him to be. And that sucks!

I just need a man. I need a man who loves me as much as I love him and who isn't afraid to show it. I need a man who likes chicken and turkey and my mom and dad and movies and puppies and the Ticket and and and.. yeah. If I had a man who showed me as much affection as I showed him, maybe I wouldn't have these weird obsessions with radio talk show hosts and TV shows about the president. Then again, maybe I would because I'm just like that.

As a last thought in the Gordo situation, I think it's really weird how it all happened this year. I've been enamored with him for like.. 4 years now. Each year I go to Ticketstock and get re-obsessed. Each year I just let it pass without doing anything about it. This year, along comes Gordo's daughter to give me a mega hug - three different times! - and that gives me the in I've always wanted. Why did that happen? I have my theories, but they're too ridiculous to put in a public forum like this.

And my mom said it's amazing that I've felt this way about this person for so many years, and there must be some weird chemistry in the air when he's around me or something. I know that sounds weird, but it makes sense. The only other time I've felt that chemistry is with Ryan. I don't know. It's just hard to explain, but somehow it makes sense to me.

I just wish I wasn't completely obsessed with him. I did the required dreaming about him all night thing last night that I do when I have weird crushes/obsessions with stuff. I'll get over it, true. But whenever I see this guy I will always have this magnetic attraction to him. And that sucks. He's just everything I would want in a guy, all wrapped up in one single person.


Woo! I'm weird.

Another picture:

What can I say? I've never been able to resist a man with a guitar.

So there it is. Sex and the City = good. My day = good. Gordo = So good, yet so bad. Thunderstorms all day tomorrow = awesome. My new church = great.

So, yay!

I'm out.

back & forth random

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701 - October 17, 2004
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