baby maybe someday
2003-01-26 Are we there yet?

Wowee, the Raiders sure are getting their ass kicked, aren't they?

I'm not really watching, I'm just turning it back every now and then to watch the commercials (loved the Osbournes and the Clydesdales.. they were soo purty). I watched High Fidelity on Comedy Central for a while. And the Saturday Night Live Half Time show was funnyliscious.

I'm bored. Can you tell? I can also feel myself getting fatter, literally. That's not a pleasant feeling, guys. I did find one really promising job in the want ads today, though, and all you have to have to do it is a journalism degree. Guess what I have? Nananana!

I stole a survey from her. Cuz that's just what I do.

1) Last dream: I actually had a dream about Garry Marshall the other night. You know, the director of Pretty Woman and Beaches. I know it's because I watched the director's commentary on Pretty Woman, but really, why the hell am I dreaming about Garry Marshall?

2) Last car ride: This morning I got lost on the way back home from church. But I found my way home because I'm really talented like that.

3) Last kiss: In October. Let's not go depressing me now, okay? Thanks.

4) Last good cry: Last night. Me and Matt's conversations are full of weird things like that.. he makes me laugh, he makes me cry, he makes me angry, he makes me wet. What can I say? He knows me better than anyone else on the planet.

5) Last Overdue Library Book: Hmmm. I still owe $50 to the Dallas Public Library. I don't really check out books anymore.

6) Last movie seen: Adaptation last night. Good stuff.

7) Last Book Read: The Firm. I'm dabbling in a couple of other books right now, though.

8) Last cuss word uttered: Probably something when I was talking to my brother. We like to cuss with each other. It's a sibling thing.

9) Last beverage drank: A bottle of deja blue water. Good stuff. Yummy water!

10) Last Food consumed: Popcorn with pour over butter. Yummy, that's what I say. I also had McDonalds but it's Super Bowl Sunday so it doesn't count.

12) Last phone call: My mom to ask if she saw the Clydesdales. She's a horse freak. She was all like, "Yes, and they gave me goosebumps!" I love my mommy. She called me this morning and asked me what my 7 stages of being dumped was. Isn't that cool? She believes in me, damnit.

13) Last TV show watched: Cribs, with Jerry O Connell. He's actually in 2 of my favorite movies - Stand by Me and Jerry Maguire. Rock on!

14) Last Item Bought: popcorn and sleeping pills. I've never really taken sleeping pills before but I figured that tonight I'd give them a shot so I wouldn't be plagued by dreaming about Matt all the god damn time,

15) Last time showered: This morning, to beautify myself before I went to church.

16) Last shoes worn: My big red Docs. I am a Doc whore, and I'm just not going to apologize for that!

17) Last CD played: I don't listen to a lot of CD's, but I recently bought Coldplay's new one.

18) Last downloaded: A picture of some dude in a pool. When you're on AOL at 4 AM, the weirdos start coming out.

19) Last annoyance: Standing in line with my popcorn at the grocery store 10 minutes before the Super Bowl started. Note to self and others: Don't do that. The words "total chaos" come to mind.

20) Last disappointment: The fact that I will not get back together with Matt anytime soon and the fact that he still has a girlfriend. It's a dissapointment that plays over and over in my mind, haunting me wherever I go. MUAHAHAH!

21) Last soda drank: Coke. McDonalds was actually OUT OF DR. PEPPER! Can you imagine that?!

22) Last thing written: This entry, I suppose. Last night I wrote down the plot to my novel.

23) Last key used: car. I can't figure out how to lock my apartment door anymore. It won't lock! What's up with that?

24) Last words spoken: "Seven dozen monkeys eat lots of blueberry pie while watching the Raiders lose the Super Bowl." I just said that out loud so I could have something fun to write here. And look at it closely.. do you think anyone in the whole history of the world has ever said that sentence? I RULE!

25) Last trip: Austin. Yay.

26) Last sleep: I took a nap around 3:00 today, although it was more of me trying to sleep and adjusting the pillow 300 times than taking a nap.

27) Last IM: Matt, a couple of hours ago. He seemed very concerned that I wasn't going to go socialize myself at church.

28) Last sexual fantasy: oh man.. when Matt was trying to get me off last night he talked about us having sex for the first time.. it was totally incredible imagery, let me tell you.

29) Last time you thought you saw a UFO: When I saw Signs at the theater.

30) Last weird encounter: Dude, at dinner on Friday night I was waiting in line to go to the bathroom and I asked the dude in front of me if there was only one stall in there or whatever, and he nods. Then he stares at me for like.. minutes. A totally creepy stare, too. I just got up and went back to my table, I couldn't stand that creepy stare.

31) Last Store Shopped at: Albertsons.

32) Last ice cream eaten: I dunno. Last week I had some vanilla yogurt.

33) Last time amused: The Osbournes commercial cracked my shit up.

34) Last time wanting to die: Christmas Eve. Since then I've felt like total and complete shit, but I haven't exactly wanted to die or what not.

35) Last time in love: Don't make me answer this question.

36) Last time hugged: My brother gave me a half ass hug on Friday.

37) Last time scolded: This morning when I was talking to my dad on the phone. "You've had enough time, you need a job now."

38) Last time resentful: Right now, at this very exact second. I'm resentful towards myself, towards the fact that I'm in love with someone who is totally oblivious to the fact that he hurts me with every word he utters.

39) Last chair sat in: my really uncomfortable plastic chair that I'm currently sitting in. It sucks, I need a new one.

40) Last lipstick used: Rum Raisin, the kind I've been using for 9 or 10 years.

41) Last underwear worn: blue ones from VS.

42) Last bra worn: A really sexy black bra that I wish someone will see me in at some point in my life.

43) Last shirt worn: a black Calvin Klein sweatshirt.

44) Last class attended: You can read about that here.

45) Last Final taken: You can read about that here.

46) Last time dancing: Exactly one week ago with 500 gay boys. It's not as fun as it sounds.

47) Last poster looked at: My Axl Poster from the cover of Spin magazine a few years ago. It's the only Axl poster I have left and it's on my wall over my bed.

48) Last concert attended: Deryl Dodd, a country dude I covered for the paper. But I MAY be going to the COLDPLAY concert on Wednesday night. WHO'S EXCITED FOR ME? WHO? WHO!! I am. Because I just started liking them and to see then in my budding romance of them would be awesome. Maybe Gwyneth will be there.

49) Last webpage visited: my old diary.

50) Last words: "Hello my name is Simon and I like to do drawrings."


back & forth random

So be it! My last entry ever. - November 16, 2004
701 - October 17, 2004
Buh bye: An Austinliz thesis - October 03, 2004
war of the roses - October 01, 2004
fucking debate! - September 30, 2004