baby maybe someday
2003-06-07 A short conversation with a lot of meaning.

Here is the real entry for now.

But I just wanted to share something with yall.

Last night, around 1:15 AM, Matt actually initiated conversation. It wasn't a very interesting conversation, but I walked away from that conversation smiling. I went to sleep happy. Not because of what he said, but because of what I said. Or what I didn't say.

This is the only conversation that I've had with him in the last couple of months where I've been totally satisfied and almost proud. I'm not in the habit of broadcasting my conversations with him, but I just want you guys to see it and tell me if I did good. I felt like I did good. I felt like maybe I showed him that I'm fine, I'm moving on without him, and it's all good.

So here it is! Yay. Again, it's pretty short and meaningless, but it meant a lot to me in terms of growth.


Matt: Hey, yo.

Me: Sup, yo.

Matt: not much.. you always complain I never say what's up, so what's up!

Me: I'm just being naughty and staying up late.

Matt: How's work?

Me: It's nifty.

Me: It's just kinda like summer school right now.

Me: Cept I never got paid for summer school, so this is a little cooler.

Matt: True.. that is pretty cool.

Me: How's school?

Matt: It's pretty craptastic.. I have to write a 30 page paper on why the dinosaurs are extinct, and a 20 page paper on how there can be Peace in Iraq.

Matt: And my teacher said that I have to write an Iconoclastic paper.

Me: That's a lot of stuff.

Matt: I don't want to write an iconoclastic paper. :(

Me: I had to take a test on warranties today!

Matt: Tell me something I don't know about warranties.

Me: All GM vehicles come with a 3 year/36,000 mile warranty.

Matt: Is that a powertrain warranty?

Matt: is there a deductible?

Matt: Prorata?

Me: Um, your mama.

Matt: :(

Me: We just started learning about warranties today, gimme a break.

Me: Cars are hard!

Matt: You are going to kick ass though because you are smart.

Me: Yeah. I know.

Me: *burp*

Me: And I'm sure you'll write the best iconoclastic paper in the class.

Matt: Okay, well, I guess I will leave you alone now..

Matt: It was good talking to you..

Me: Okay. :) Have a good night.

Matt: You too.. sweet dreams.

Me: :*

Matt: :*

back & forth random

So be it! My last entry ever. - November 16, 2004
701 - October 17, 2004
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