baby maybe someday
October 02, 2003 Austin is the father of my baby named Loser.

Well, it's me and Austin's 9 month anniversary.

9 months ago me and Austin consumated our love affair, and now 9 months later I'm giving birth to a two-headed son known as loserdom. And if you don't think I haven't been thinking about that sentence for weeks now, YOU'RE WRONG, MY FRIEND! MUAHAHAHA!

9 months later I'm in a little better shape (still round, though), I'm totally crackwhorically addicted to the West Wing reruns on Bravo, I've made some nice Christian friends and some nice gay friends, I've spent hours and hours at the gym getting my frustrations out, I fell in love with my DVD player, I got diagnosed with the fun times that is clinical depression, I've learned what it is to live in the real world and have to get a job and pay the bills, although not very well. The real world sucks, yo. And that's all I have to say about that.

I like anniversaries, if you couldn't tell.

I have my data entry interview today. I hope it goes well, I really really really do. I want a job. I need a job. I will go crazy insane. It's been 2 months, people. 2 months of waking up and feeling sorry for myself. I don't want to do that anymore! Bah.

I've also learned not to talk about leaving in February to those around me, because it really just makes people mad to know that I'm leaving Austin. No one understands why one would want to leave Austin, exactly. And I can understand that. If I could just move everyone in Dallas over to Austin so that I can have all my people here, than I'd stay. But Dallas is where I feel I belong. So sayeth the shephard, so sayeth the flock.

4 months. 4 long, long months.

In other news, I'm watching this thing on VH1 about Leah Remini getting married. I'm so proud of her. I remember her when she was on that fun TV show Living Dolls, the spin off of Who's The Boss about a bunch of models and she was the big tough one. I know that makes me a dork, but I am a dork, so yay for me.

I volunteered last night and I got to train a new person. That made me feel all smart and important and I remember when I was training 8 or so months ago and it makes me happy that I'm still volunteering after so many months. That doesn't happen too often with me.. actually sticking with the things that I signed up to do. I'm special like that.

This is one of those entries that reviewers are going to say is boring and has no emotion. That's right, I'm an emotionless whore! Muahahaha!

I can't think of anything else to say! *gasp*


What was Liz doing a year ago?

"I've kinda been starting to think about working for my dad at his real estate thing. I know that would probably suck, but maybe I'd be good at it.. how would I know unless I did it, right? But that would just be a cop out because I just don't want to ask my teachers for reccomendations and put together a portfolio and shit. I guess I'm just kinda stagnant right now, but I'll get over that once school is over. I've been in the same place for 2 1/2 years and it's just a comfortable place, so I need to be blown out of my foundation, if you will. I'm not unhappy, I'm just.. bored. And dreading the next 40 years of life.. I don't want some job where I can only take 2 weeks of vacation a year. I want to be a rock star, damnit!"


What was Liz doing 2 years ago?

"So yesterday I told you I was going to write about how bad shit always happens in October, even though it's my favorite month. Two examples of this come to my head. "In 1998, when I turned 19, I broke up with BB. On my birthday. Because I couldn't stand the way he was treating me. It was a bad time for us, but we were only broken up for a month and then we quickly got back together. After that, a string of really bad things happened. I got pulled over a block from his house while returning tapes to Blockbuster, for running a stop sign. 2 days later, I got pulled over again for running another stop sign, this time on campus. Like.. 3 days later I hung out with my "bad influence" friend and smoked pot for the first time, and then a few hours later got pulled over because she apparently had a warrant out for her arrest. None of us were 21. This matters because we had about 10 cases of beer in the trunk. (Hey, I had just dumped my boyfriend, I wanted to get drunk!) The cop was nice. He just made us drain all the bottles and then let us go. That was nice, but it sure was hard wasting all that precious Shiner Bock. "

back & forth random

So be it! My last entry ever. - November 16, 2004
701 - October 17, 2004
Buh bye: An Austinliz thesis - October 03, 2004
war of the roses - October 01, 2004
fucking debate! - September 30, 2004