baby maybe someday
October 07, 2003 My entry of fun.

Rawr! Why is it physically impossible for me to accomplish running on the treadmill for 2 miles under 30 minutes? Today it was 30 minutes, 4 seconds. That's 3 seconds better than yesterday, 7 seconds better than a couple of days ago. I'm going to do this. The man can't keep me down, oh no!

So, other than that, this is really going to be a shits and giggles kind of entry. Serious-free! I don't feel like getting serious tonight. I want to listen to Loveline and talk about pointless things like rings and the West Wing, although the West Wing is certainly not pointless, I beg your pardon.

First item on the list of fun:


I'm finally really starting to get some fun hits from google lately. I'd like to share some with you, my reading audience:

1. "good will hunting, do you have soulmate, someone who challenges you"

2. "get hilary duff's hair" (because, like, omg, I talk about that all the time!)

3. "he's my lobster"

4. "shirtless nick stahl"

5. "random design diaryland"

6. and, my favorite.. "find a whore in Austin."


If you think that was fun, wait until you see the fun hits I get from my former self! That's even more exciting!

1. "gay boys videos"

2. "rock and roll cruises"

3. "he scared to get married"

4. "sex cruises"

5. "www.briney+suck+any+man"(hours of fun with that one, I guess)

6. "I had sex with Axl Rose"(*gasp!* FOR SHAME! It's my turn, damnit!)

7. "how do"

8. "I taped my girlfriend and me having sex"

9. "booger jokes"

10. "lactating porn"

11. "Chrstina Aguilera's nipple"

12. "porn penis for the gay person" (is that kinda like queer eye for the straight guy?)

I could go on. There are lots of others. But I think we know the conclusion here. The conclusion is that this diary is good for teenage girls, the other is good for deviant perverts. Fun for the whole family!

Second item on the list of fun!


I have become totally addicted to this show. I am fascinated by it. Those people on that show are seriously hardcore. They know what they're doing, and they probably didn't spend their days after graduating with a half-ass degree from college looking for a job and then going home to take a nap.

I like these people in the same way I am fascinated by the Supreme Court: They are different from me. Much, much different. And I dig that about them. I dig that about them a lot.

I love this show, and I think Martin Sheen should be the president of this country because he also knows his shit. You can't put anything past him, he always knows what's going on! Yay Martin Sheen!

Okay then.

On a totally seperate note, I had a dream about Tracy Ullman the other day. I have no idea why. But I had a lot of anger towards her for some reason. I really don't have a lot of reasons to be angry with Tracy Ullman, so yeah. That was fun.

Now, this brings us to the third item of fun on the list:


On Sunday, I went a little crazy joining rings. Why? Maybe because I like to involve myself in pointless activities that will never result in any kind of beneficial way.

But that's okay!

I want to share with you all the rings that I run. Together, I think we can boost the numbers up so that I can take over Diaryland. I know that's what everyone wants. Right? Right? Okay then.

My former self's rings:

- membership: A paltry 6. Reason: For people who enjoy my review site.

- Membership: 52. Reason: To celebrate our love for Axl. *sigh*

- Membership:219. Reason: Because there wasn't one. I'm an innovator!

- Membership: 138. Reason: Does anyone else find it ironic that I am the creator of this ring? Heh. Heh heh!

- Membership: 158. Reason: Someone asked me to. He's cool, too. And such.

- Membership: 49. Reason: Come on, people! It's the orchestra diaryring! More than 49 people on D-land are in Orchestra, I know this. Join now.

I have a lot of rings with my former self. We could be here for a while. So instead, here's a few rings I recently created:

- Membership: 1. Reason - For fans of the movie Annie. Join now! You know you want to.

- Membership: 1. Reason: Well, you know.

- Membership: 1. Reason: I hate sun. Yay rain.

So. Join now. You know you want to.

- Membership:87. Reason: Because there's something about October. I can dig it.

Okay. I think it's time to end this entry of fun, seeing that it took an hour out of my life to write. That's right. A whole hour.


Party on, party people.

I leave you with this image:

back & forth random

So be it! My last entry ever. - November 16, 2004
701 - October 17, 2004
Buh bye: An Austinliz thesis - October 03, 2004
war of the roses - October 01, 2004
fucking debate! - September 30, 2004